
Disclaimer: The views and the opinion expressed in this article are those of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views and positions of Public Policy and Governance Society IIT Kharagpur.


The visible signs of social disorganization reflect some underlying problems that lead to increased crimes. The origin of the broken-window theory is associated with a 1982 Atlantic Monthly article by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling. The theory is known to suggest that broken windows in society are often synonymous with apparent signs of disorder and can lead to increased crime rates if left unaddressed. This theory states that a simple and prompt focus on minor offenses on time can prevent big criminalities in the future. Creating safer neighbourhoods is a concern in today’s 21st century as it was back in the mid-1970s when the state of New Jersey announced a “Safe and Clean Neighbourhoods Program”, which aimed at improving the quality of Community life . Policing Strategies informed by this theory often emphasize the significance of maintaining order through community engagement and proactive measures. People in Kharagpur belong to different religions and castes and are thus known for their ethnic and linguistic diversity. These aspects often lead to social segregation more than inclusion in society. Hence, the secluded areas of Kharagpur with social diversity but an immiscible cultural difference creates the idea of broken windows where serious street crimes can flourish in areas if disorderly behaviour goes unchecked.

Background on Broken Windows Policing:

The nature of the broken window theory is a perception-based analysis of a societal problem. The external environment and crimes are sometimes not always correlated. However, much evidence exists that these are still closely related. It was pointed out in a few studies that regional crime holds the potential to get aggravated by nearby districts whose crime rates are fairly high in comparison. A relationship between the external environment, crimes, and population density is often discussed in macro-perspectives, and ignorance towards micro- perspectives creates space for specific types of crimes. The psychological impact of such metaphoric broken windows creates fear in people's minds. It is important to know what frightens people in public places which could be botheration by disorderly people. Individuals who may be characterized as disreputable, unruly, or capricious encompass those soliciting financial assistance, substance abusers, tumultuous adolescents, individuals participating in loitering, and those experiencing psychological disturbances.

It's human psychology to avoid any trouble and interference that might lead to future disorganization and clutter. The ignorance towards the broken windows in society raises safety concerns due to negligence on a community basis to overcome this despair in society the concept of community policing is an important step forward as it is based on the broken windows theory of public safety. It is a philosophical advancement designed in such a manner as to leverage citizen engagement and problem-solving as proactive strategies to deal with public safety issues, including crime, disorder, and fear of crime. Police legitimacy can be increased if opportunities are provided to community members to scrutinize the operational conduct and regulatory frameworks of law enforcement agencies, evaluate the congruence of these government-endorsed practices with the values and requirements of the community, and facilitate a reconciliation between the two. The Broken Windows Theory asserts that perceptible indicators of disorder, such as acts of vandalism or the presence of litter, may contribute to an escalation in criminal activity. For instance, concealed dumping sites in Mexico City were determined to be predictive of offenses such as property damage and automobile theft, indicating a correlation between environmental disorder and criminal activity. Moreover, research conducted in Detroit revealed a nonlinear correlation between physical disorder and violent crime, underscoring the necessity of addressing neighbourhoods at a 'tipping point' of disorder (Biasi, 2021). In Mexico, a scholarly investigation has substantiated that the interplay between social and physical disorder significantly impacts homicide rates, thereby affirming the theoretical framework's relevance across diverse cultural contexts. Furthermore, research undertaken in Milwaukee emphasized that disorder within public domains substantially affects crime rates, particularly concerning less severe offenses. However, the effectiveness of the theory may exhibit variability, as illustrated by instances in post- Soviet cities where its implementation faced considerable challenges.

Kharagpur: The Setting of the Case Study:

Kharagpur is an urban area in West Bengal's Paschim Midnapore district. It serves as an important hub for industrial, commercial, and educational operations. Furthermore, it is quickly becoming a popular tourist destination, thanks to the wealth of tourist attractions both within and outside of the city, as well as its well-developed transportation system. The city is home to people of many religious and caste backgrounds, demonstrating a rich ethnic and linguistic diversity. The easy access to basic utility services has increased the attraction of this metropolis and contributed greatly to its growth. The city was originally part of the Hijli Kingdom, ruled by Bengali Hindu rulers.Over time, Kharagpur was governed by notable dynasties, including the Kushan, Gupta, Pal, Mughals, and later the British.The current Kharagpur division shares boundaries similar to the ancient Hijli province.The Kharagpur Railway Junction, established in December 1898, played a pivotal role in the city's growth and recognition. The focus of the discussion here is the Ward-34 of Kharagpur Municipality.

This ward is home to the Sonmukhi Adivasipara community, many people who have migrated to Kharagpur from neighbouring states of Odisha, Bihar, and Chhattisgarh also live here in this ward making this a culturally varied and rich zone. An un- intentional exclusionary zoning has led to the development of an Adivasi area in Ward 34.

Implementation of Broken Windows Policing in Kharagpur:

The secluded and unmaintained streets of the ward create a sense of insecurity and can labelled as the “Broken windows” of this area. The roads lack basic pedestrian accessibility and are unmaintained. People here have delved into a lifestyle that treats this as a normal scenario but for an outsider who would try to navigate a constant fear of botheration by some disorder stays permanently. The streets lack surveillance and exclusionary zoning further creates a segregation and disconnect with others. Zero tolerance policies need to be introduced that impose severe penalties for minor offenses, that reflect principles of Broken Window Theory. Strategies that foster collaborations between law enforcement and community members can help implement community policing. The local stakeholders and the governance authorities need to actively fix the minor problems at the earliest before the points for crime to linger are created in the ward. Local organizations can be used to build social capital. Indulging with schools, businesses, and non-profit organizations to create a support network for community safety initiatives.

Impact on Social Disorder and Public Safety:

The increased cases of public intoxication and substance consumption may disrupt community cohesion. Community engagement and social inclusion initiatives by the government can help sustain social order in the neighborhood.It is important to prevent urban decay before the locality falls into despair leading to increased crimes and social issues. Crime prevention strategies can be introduced by the governing bodies to reduce risk of crimes. Situational crime prevention (SCP) strategies are evidence that theoretically designed prevention strategies are practical and efficient ways to manage the diversity of criminal offending. Clarke (1983) proposed that SCP strategies are characterized as being directed at specific crimes, including manipulations of the environment, and are focused on reducing the opportunities and rewards for crime.

Challenges Faced

This theory disproportionately targets the marginalized groups because of the history associated with them. Ethical concerns arise about fairness and justice in law enforcement practices, suggesting that the approach may exacerbate social inequalities rather than resolve them. The hypothesis may give a simplified picture of crime causation, implying that resolving small infractions will result in a decrease in larger crimes. This ignores the intricate interaction of social, economic, and environmental elements that lead to criminal conduct. The theory relies heavily on perceptions of disorder and crime, which can be subjective and influenced by various factors. This reliance on perceptual measures may not accurately reflect actual conditions, leading to potential misinterpretations of the relationship between disorder and crime. Taking lessons from Jane Jacob’s- Eyes on Streets Concept, more interference by the community, more interactions and walkability should be promoted. Both Jacobs and the 'broken windows' theorists share a concern about public fear and its detrimental effects on urban life. Jacobs argues that fear leads to reduced public interaction, which in turn exacerbates urban decline. This aligns with the 'broken windows' assertion that public disorder can lead to increased crime and further deterioration of community safety.


The conditions within this ward have the potential for enhancement contingent upon the decisive actions and policy implementations by the governing authorities. On a communal level, endeavours aimed at the revitalization of historical cultures are capable of fostering improved perceptions of safety among residents. While it is feasible to repair broken windows and reconstruct narratives, such advancements can only be achieved through collaborative efforts and collective engagement. Rocke Bosher Adda serves as a pivotal cultural concept within Bengali society, symbolizing informal social spaces designated for casual discourse and communal solidarity. Such actions might be launched to recover forgotten traditions, promoting an inclusive and safe neighbourhood. Aside from this community initiative, the government might encourage local groups to organize events and promote cultural variety. The Local governing bodies also need to be swift in their actions to fix the unmaintained roads, low surveillance streets, and substance abuse problems. A zero-tolerance attitude can change the scenarios of this ward.